четверг, 4 сентября 2014 г.

Neural Network Back-Propagation Using C#

using System;
// demonstration of neural network back-propagation
namespace BackProp
  class BackPropProgram
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("\nBegin Neural Network training using Back-Propagation demo\n");

        Random rnd = new Random(1); // for random weights. not used.

        double[] xValues = new double[3] { 1.0, -2.0, 3.0 }; // inputs
        double[] yValues; // outputs
        double[] tValues = new double[2] { 0.1234, 0.8766 }; // target values

        Console.WriteLine("The fixed input xValues are:");
        Helpers.ShowVector(xValues, 1, 8, true);

        Console.WriteLine("The fixed target tValues are:");
        Helpers.ShowVector(tValues, 4, 8, true);

        int numInput = 3;
        int numHidden = 4;
        int numOutput = 2;
        int numWeights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + (numHidden + numOutput);

        Console.WriteLine("Creating a " + numInput + "-input, " + numHidden + "-hidden, " + numOutput + "-output neural network");
        Console.WriteLine("Using hard-coded tanh function for hidden layer activation");
        Console.WriteLine("Using hard-coded log-sigmoid function for output layer activation");

        BackPropNeuralNet bnn = new BackPropNeuralNet(numInput, numHidden, numOutput);

        //Console.WriteLine("\nGenerating random initial weights and bias values");
        //double[] initWeights = new double[numWeights];
        //for (int i = 0; i < initWeights.Length; ++i)
        //  initWeights[i] = (0.1 - 0.01) * rnd.NextDouble() + 0.01;

        Console.WriteLine("\nCreating arbitrary initial weights and bias values");
        double[] initWeights = new double[26] {
          0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004,
          0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008,
          0.009, 0.010, 0.011, 0.012,

          0.013, 0.014, 0.015, 0.016,

          0.017, 0.018,
          0.019, 0.020,
          0.021, 0.022,
          0.023, 0.024,

          0.025, 0.026 };

        Console.WriteLine("\nInitial weights and biases are:");
        Helpers.ShowVector(initWeights, 3, 8, true);

        Console.WriteLine("Loading neural network initial weights and biases into neural network");

        double learnRate = 0.5;  // learning rate - controls the maginitude of the increase in the change in weights.
        double momentum = 0.1; // momentum - to discourage oscillation.
        Console.WriteLine("Setting learning rate = " + learnRate.ToString("F2") + " and momentum = " + momentum.ToString("F2"));

        int maxEpochs = 10000;
        double errorThresh = 0.00001;
        Console.WriteLine("\nSetting max epochs = " + maxEpochs + " and error threshold = " + errorThresh.ToString("F6"));

        int epoch = 0;
        double error = double.MaxValue;
        Console.WriteLine("\nBeginning training using back-propagation\n");

        while (epoch < maxEpochs) // train
          if (epoch % 20 == 0) Console.WriteLine("epoch = " + epoch);

          yValues = bnn.ComputeOutputs(xValues);
          error = Helpers.Error(tValues, yValues);
          if (error < errorThresh)
            Console.WriteLine("Found weights and bias values that meet the error criterion at epoch " + epoch);
          bnn.UpdateWeights(tValues, learnRate, learnRate);
        } // train loop

        double[] finalWeights = bnn.GetWeights();
        Console.WriteLine("Final neural network weights and bias values are:");
        Helpers.ShowVector(finalWeights, 5, 8, true);

        yValues = bnn.ComputeOutputs(xValues);
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe yValues using final weights are:");
        Helpers.ShowVector(yValues, 8, 8, true);

        double finalError = Helpers.Error(tValues, yValues);
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe final error is " + finalError.ToString("F8"));

        Console.WriteLine("\nEnd Neural Network Back-Propagation demo\n");
      catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Fatal: " + ex.Message);

    } // Main

  } // Program

  public class BackPropNeuralNet
    private int numInput;
    private int numHidden;
    private int numOutput;

    private double[] inputs;
    private double[][] ihWeights; // input-to-hidden
    private double[] hBiases;
    private double[] hSums;
    private double[] hOutputs;

    private double[][] hoWeights;  // hidden-to-output
    private double[] oBiases;
    private double[] oSums;
    private double[] outputs;

    //private string hActivation; // "log-sigmoid" or "tanh"
    //private string oActivation; // "log-sigmoid" or "tanh"

    private double[] oGrads; // output gradients for back-propagation
    private double[] hGrads; // hidden gradients for back-propagation

    private double[][] ihPrevWeightsDelta;  // for momentum with back-propagation
    private double[] hPrevBiasesDelta;
    private double[][] hoPrevWeightsDelta;
    private double[] oPrevBiasesDelta;

    public BackPropNeuralNet(int numInput, int numHidden, int numOutput)
      this.numInput = numInput;
      this.numHidden = numHidden;
      this.numOutput = numOutput;

      inputs = new double[numInput];
      ihWeights = Helpers.MakeMatrix(numInput, numHidden);
      hBiases = new double[numHidden];
      hSums = new double[numHidden];
      hOutputs = new double[numHidden];
      hoWeights = Helpers.MakeMatrix(numHidden, numOutput);
      oBiases = new double[numOutput];
      oSums = new double[numOutput];
      outputs = new double[numOutput];

      oGrads = new double[numOutput];
      hGrads = new double[numHidden];

      ihPrevWeightsDelta = Helpers.MakeMatrix(numInput, numHidden);
      hPrevBiasesDelta = new double[numHidden];
      hoPrevWeightsDelta = Helpers.MakeMatrix(numHidden, numOutput);
      oPrevBiasesDelta = new double[numOutput];

    public void SetWeights(double[] weights)
      // assumes weights[] has order: input-to-hidden wts, hidden biases, hidden-to-output wts, output biases
      int numWeights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + numHidden + numOutput;
      if (weights.Length != numWeights)
        throw new Exception("The weights array length: " + weights.Length +
          " does not match the total number of weights and biases: " + numWeights);

      int k = 0; // points into weights param

      for (int i = 0; i < numInput; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < numHidden; ++j)
          ihWeights[i][j] = weights[k++];

      for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
        hBiases[i] = weights[k++];

      for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < numOutput; ++j)
          hoWeights[i][j] = weights[k++];

      for (int i = 0; i < numOutput; ++i)
        oBiases[i] = weights[k++];

    public double[] GetWeights()
      int numWeights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + numHidden + numOutput;
      double[] result = new double[numWeights];
      int k = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < ihWeights.Length; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < ihWeights[0].Length; ++j)
          result[k++] = ihWeights[i][j];
      for (int i = 0; i < hBiases.Length; ++i)
        result[k++] = hBiases[i];
      for (int i = 0; i < hoWeights.Length; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < hoWeights[0].Length; ++j)
          result[k++] = hoWeights[i][j];
      for (int i = 0; i < oBiases.Length; ++i)
        result[k++] = oBiases[i];
      return result;

    public double[] GetOutputs()
      double[] result = new double[numOutput];
      this.outputs.CopyTo(result, 0);
      return result;

    public double[] ComputeOutputs(double[] xValues)
      if (xValues.Length != numInput)
        throw new Exception("Inputs array length " + inputs.Length + " does not match NN numInput value " + numInput);

      for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
        hSums[i] = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < numOutput; ++i)
        oSums[i] = 0.0;

      for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Length; ++i) // copy x-values to inputs
        this.inputs[i] = xValues[i];

      for (int j = 0; j < numHidden; ++j)  // compute hidden layer weighted sums
        for (int i = 0; i < numInput; ++i)
          hSums[j] += this.inputs[i] * ihWeights[i][j];

      for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)  // add biases to hidden sums
        hSums[i] += hBiases[i];

      for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)   // apply tanh activation
        hOutputs[i] = HyperTanFunction(hSums[i]);

      for (int j = 0; j < numOutput; ++j)   // compute output layer weighted sums
        for (int i = 0; i < numHidden; ++i)
          oSums[j] += hOutputs[i] * hoWeights[i][j];

      for (int i = 0; i < numOutput; ++i)  // add biases to output sums
        oSums[i] += oBiases[i];

      for (int i = 0; i < numOutput; ++i)   // apply log-sigmoid activation
        this.outputs[i] = SigmoidFunction(oSums[i]);

      double[] result = new double[numOutput]; // for convenience when calling method
      this.outputs.CopyTo(result, 0);
      return result;
    } // ComputeOutputs

    private static double SigmoidFunction(double x)
      if (x < -45.0) return 0.0;
      else if (x > 45.0) return 1.0;
      else return 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(-x));

    private static double HyperTanFunction(double x)
      if (x < -45.0) return -1.0;
      else if (x > 45.0) return 1.0;
      else return Math.Tanh(x);

    public void UpdateWeights(double[] tValues, double learn, double mom) // back-propagation
      // assumes that SetWeights and ComputeOutputs have been called and so inputs and outputs have values
      if (tValues.Length != numOutput)
        throw new Exception("target values not same Length as output in UpdateWeights");

      // 1. compute output gradients. assumes log-sigmoid!
      for (int i = 0; i < oGrads.Length; ++i)
        double derivative = (1 - outputs[i]) * outputs[i]; // derivative of log-sigmoid is y(1-y)
        oGrads[i] = derivative * (tValues[i] - outputs[i]); // oGrad = (1 - O)(O) * (T-O)

      // 2. compute hidden gradients. assumes tanh!
      for (int i = 0; i < hGrads.Length; ++i)
        double derivative = (1 - hOutputs[i]) * (1 + hOutputs[i]); // derivative of tanh is (1-y)(1+y)
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int j = 0; j < numOutput; ++j) // each hidden delta is the sum of numOutput terms
          sum += oGrads[j] * hoWeights[i][j]; // each downstream gradient * outgoing weight
        hGrads[i] = derivative * sum; // hGrad = (1-O)(1+O) * E(oGrads*oWts)

      // 3. update input to hidden weights (gradients must be computed right-to-left but weights can be updated in any order)
      for (int i = 0; i < ihWeights.Length; ++i) // 0..2 (3)
        for (int j = 0; j < ihWeights[0].Length; ++j) // 0..3 (4)
          double delta = learn * hGrads[j] * inputs[i]; // compute the new delta = "eta * hGrad * input"
          ihWeights[i][j] += delta; // update
          ihWeights[i][j] += mom * ihPrevWeightsDelta[i][j]; // add momentum using previous delta. on first pass old value will be 0.0 but that's OK.
          ihPrevWeightsDelta[i][j] = delta; // save the delta for next time

      // 4. update hidden biases
      for (int i = 0; i <hBiases.Length; ++i)
        double delta = learn * hGrads[i] * 1.0; // the 1.0 is the constant input for any bias; could leave out
        hBiases[i] += delta;
        hBiases[i] += mom * hPrevBiasesDelta[i];
        hPrevBiasesDelta[i] = delta; // save delta

      // 5. update hidden to output weights
      for (int i = 0; i < hoWeights.Length; ++i)  // 0..3 (4)
        for (int j = 0; j < hoWeights[0].Length; ++j) // 0..1 (2)
          double delta = learn * oGrads[j] * hOutputs[i];  // hOutputs are inputs to next layer
          hoWeights[i][j] += delta;
          hoWeights[i][j] += mom * hoPrevWeightsDelta[i][j];
          hoPrevWeightsDelta[i][j] = delta;

      // 6. update hidden to output biases
      for (int i = 0; i < oBiases.Length; ++i)
        double delta = learn * oGrads[i] * 1.0;
        oBiases[i] += delta;
        oBiases[i] += mom * oPrevBiasesDelta[i];
        oPrevBiasesDelta[i] = delta;
    } // UpdateWeights

  } // BackPropNeuralNet

  // ===========================================================================

  public class Helpers
    public static double[][] MakeMatrix(int rows, int cols)
      double[][] result = new double[rows][];
      for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
        result[i] = new double[cols];
      return result;

    public static void ShowVector(double[] vector, int decimals, int valsPerLine, bool blankLine)
      for (int i = 0; i < vector.Length; ++i)
        if (i > 0 && i % valsPerLine == 0) // max of 12 values per row
        if (vector[i] >= 0.0) Console.Write(" ");
        Console.Write(vector[i].ToString("F" + decimals) + " "); // n decimals
      if (blankLine) Console.WriteLine("\n");

    public static void ShowMatrix(double[][] matrix, int numRows, int decimals)
      int ct = 0;
      if (numRows == -1) numRows = int.MaxValue; // if numRows == -1, show all rows
      for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Length && ct < numRows; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < matrix[0].Length; ++j)
          if (matrix[i][j] >= 0.0) Console.Write(" "); // blank space instead of '+' sign
          Console.Write(matrix[i][j].ToString("F" + decimals) + " ");

    public static double Error(double[] tValues, double[] yValues)
      double sum = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < tValues.Length; ++i)
        sum += (tValues[i] - yValues[i]) * (tValues[i] - yValues[i]);
      return Math.Sqrt(sum);

  } // class Helpers

} // ns

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